Joining the AIADA can pay for itself right away. Surf around and find out how.
Your investment in the AIADA pays dividends to your business and the independent automobile dealer industry. The AIADA is the only business association in Arizona that has as its sole purpose to advocate for the independent automobile dealer industry. We actively find ways to help businesses in our industry do better business.

Reap the benefits today!
We have negotiated benefits with the industry partners you use every day, but wait, there’s more!
If you are a dealer in Arizona you won’t find any other value that will likely pay for itself 10 times over, every year.
But that isn’t your greatest value for membership. The assistance we provide our members every day have saved Arizona dealers millions of dollars. We help you navigate the waters whether you are a new dealer or a seasoned veteran.
Auction Buy &Sell Fees
We are blessed to have the support of our major auctions in the state. Their support allows us to provide tangible dollar benefits to our dealers that buy cars at auction.
- 2 buy fees at Adesa Phoenix ($225 each) or a monthly $100 rebate (must be used for transaction in applicable month)
- 2 buy fees at Metro Auto Auction ($175 each)
- Two buy or sell fees at Manheim Phoenix ($250 each)
- 2 buy fee at Dealers Auto Auction of the Southwest ($150 each)
- 2 buy fees at Manheim Tucson ($200 each)
License Application or Change Assistance
Whether you are a new dealer needing help with your license application or an existing dealer needing help with a license change, we are here to help. We will help you get your paperwork done right the first time and will hold your hand as the paperwork makes its way through Dealer Licensing.
Low Volume Retro Program
Until now Warranty Administrators only allow high volume dealers to share in the back end profits. With the Alpha/AIADA retro program, lower volume dealers can now profit from service contract reserves.
Legal Assistance
Available only for AIADA members attorney Ron Newman will provide your dealership support over the phone. Most questions will be answered at no charge. Should you need to retain the attorney, his firm’s rates would apply.
Help Desk
One of the challenges with being a dealer is knowing how compliance issues affect you and ensuring you do the right thing in each situation. Anyone that has been a dealer for any length of time knows that much of what needs to be done is in a grey area. Your membership with the association will help you:
- avoid breaking the law
- comply with statute, rules and policies of state agencies
- understand your risks in certain situation
- get advice that can save you tens of thousands of dollars.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the AIADA offices. If we don’t know the answer to your questions we can help you find someone that does. Your membership ensures that you always have the AIADA in your corner!
Member Only Discounts
- 50% discount on compliance training